Committed To Your Health And Wellness
Having difficulty seeing a walk-in doctor? Cannot find a family physician? We understand the difficulty of accessing care and our prescribing pharmacist is committed to helping you get the care you need. Prescribing pharmacists can assess and prescribe treatment solutions for a wide variety of ailments. Contact us today to book an appointment or come visit with our prescribing pharmacist today!
How Prescribing Pharmacists Can Help
A prescribing pharmacist, also known in Alberta as pharmacist with Additional Prescribing Authorization (APA), has the scope of practice to prescribe new medications or change the doses of your existing medications for the purpose of treating new or existing conditions.
Minor Ailments
Our prescribing pharmacists are equipped to assist with a variety of common minor ailments, offering convenient and accessible healthcare services. Some common minor ailments they can address include:
Allergies - To alleviate allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion. Using over-the-counter or prescription antihistamine, nasal sprays, and etc.
Cold and flu symptoms - relieve symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion. Using over-the-counter cough and cold medication, or prescription medication such as inhalers, nasal sprays, mouthwash, etc.
Minor infections - Diagnose and treat minor infections such as urinary tract infections, strep throat, skin infections, or ear infections. Using prescriptions such as oral or topical antibiotics medication.
Minor injuries- Treating minor injuries like cuts, bruises, or sprains using topical antibiotics, topical or oral pain medication and muscle relaxants.
Gastrointestinal issues - Treating issues such as heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation using over-the-counter or prescription acid suppressant, stomach protectant, anti-diarrheal medication and laxatives.
Skin conditions - Treating issues such as acne, eczema, or fungal infection using over-the-counter or prescription topical corticosteroid, topical or oral antibiotics/antifungals, topical or oral Vitamin A, and etc.
Managing Chronic Conditions
Market Drugs Medical’s Prescribing pharmacist plays a crucial role in managing common chronic conditions, offering comprehensive support and guidance to patients through ordering lab tests, modifying prescription dosages, recommending and supporting lifestyle changes. Some of these conditions include:
Hypertension: Prescribing pharmacists can assess blood pressure levels and prescribing dose adjustment to medications to help manage hypertension effectively, reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other complications.
Diabetes: Prescribing pharmacists can provide education on blood sugar monitoring, lifestyle modifications, order lab tests such as HbA1c and urinalysis and prescribe oral medication or insulin dosages to help patients with diabetes achieve optimal glycemic control and prevent complications.
Asthma: Prescribing pharmacists can assess asthma control, provide inhaler technique training, and prescribe dose adjustment to medications to manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.
Hyperlipidemia: Prescribing pharmacists can offer guidance on lifestyle modifications, ordering lipid blood tests and prescribing lipid-lowering medications to help control cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Chronic pain management: Prescribing pharmacists can work with patients to develop personalized pain management plans, prescribe suitable medications that are in pharmacist scopes (so no narcotic or controlled pain medications), and monitor for potential side effects or interactions.
Mental health conditions: Prescribing pharmacists can collaborate with patients and healthcare providers to manage common mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, prescribing medications and providing support to improve overall well-being.

How to consult a prescribing pharmacist
Contact our pharmacist first to ensure your specific condition can be managed by a prescribing pharmacist. If the condition is severe or cannot be adequately managed by a pharmacist, we may suggest you visit a doctor’s office or urgent care center. If we can help, the prescribing pharmacist will conduct an assessment and collect the relevant medical information. Appropriate lab tests may be ordered by pharmacists. If required, the pharmacist may write a prescription, or offer other non-pharmacological interventions as appropriate.
Our Services
Discover our community, compounding, repackaging, and prescribing pharmacy services, ensuring your healthcare needs are met with ease.