Vaccines & Injections
Market Drugs Medical Pharmacists are injection certified, capable of administering a variety of vaccines such as influenza, pneumonia, shingles, Hepatitis A and B, and COVID-19 vaccines right in our pharmacy. Additionally, we provide injections for long-acting medications to enhance your overall health and wellness.
Available Vaccines & Injections
Market Drugs Medical offers a variety of vaccines and injections, from travel to Covid-19 and the flu shot.
We are currently administering the Pfizer XBB 1.5 COVID vaccine for boosters. You may be eligible if it has been more than 6 months since your last dose or last episode of COVID infection, and you have not received this booster yet.
Influenza, a.k.a the flu, is a rapidly mutating virus, and can lead to respiratory complications, hospitalization, and even death. Every year from Fall to Spring, we offer yearly flu shots to ensure you're protected against the currently circulating or upcoming flu strains.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Pneumococcal bacteria are common culprits behind bacterial pneumonia and various other invasive diseases, particularly in individuals with weakened immunity. Currently, the province covers a traditional vaccine called Pneumovax for seniors aged over 65 for a booster at the pharmacy. There are newer vaccines like Prevnar, not covered by the province but potentially covered by private drug plans. Speak with our pharmacist to understand the distinctions between these vaccines and determine which may be suitable for you.
After experiencing chickenpox in childhood, the virus remains dormant within specific nerves. When our immunity weakens due to stress or other factors, the virus may become active again, leading to a painful condition known as shingles. Not only is shingles painful during its active phase, but it can also cause lasting nerve pain in some individuals. Thankfully, there's an effective vaccine available to reduce the risk of shingles resurgence. While not covered by public healthcare, it may be covered by private insurance. Consult with our pharmacist to determine if you could benefit from this vaccine.
Hepatitis viruses, including types A, B, and C, can lead to both short-term and long-term liver damage. We offer vaccines to protect against Hepatitis A and B, available as separate or combination vaccines. As Hepatitis is prevalent in many tourist destinations worldwide, vaccination may be a crucial aspect of your travel safety plan if you haven't been immunized. While not routinely covered by our provincial plan at the pharmacy, Hepatitis vaccines may be covered by private health insurance. Consult with our pharmacist to determine if Hepatitis vaccination is suitable for you.
Tetanus, a bacteria found in the environment like soil and rusty metal, can lead to nerve paralysis and potentially be fatal. While routine vaccination is administered during childhood, adults should receive a booster every 10 years, usually in combination with vaccines for diphtheria and pertussis. While covered by the province at public health clinics, tetanus vaccination is not covered at pharmacies except for pregnant mothers in their third trimester. However, it may be covered by private health insurance. Consult with our pharmacist to determine if you could benefit from the booster.
HPV, or human papillomavirus, causes skin conditions like warts and is the primary cause of cervical cancer and other genital cancers in both males and females. The HPV vaccine can greatly reduce the risk of contracting HPV and significantly lower the risk of HPV-related cancers. While typically offered to children in school, many young adults who missed this vaccination can still benefit from it. Although not covered by the province at pharmacies, the HPV vaccine may be covered by private drug plans. Consult our pharmacist to determine if you could benefit from the HPV vaccine.
Rabies, a lethal virus carried by infected wild or domestic animals, can be prevented with a series of vaccines. It's recommended for individuals with travel plans or occupations associated with high exposure risks. The vaccine is also included in the treatment plan for suspected or confirmed rabies exposure. Talk to our pharmacist to learn more about rabies vaccination.
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a common virus that can cause severe respiratory infections, particularly in young children and older adults. It can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis. The RSV vaccine helps protect against this virus and is recommended for certain individuals, including those with underlying health conditions. Discuss with our pharmacist to learn more about the RSV vaccine and whether it's suitable for you or your loved ones.
Other Travel Vaccines (Cholera, Meningococcal, Japanese encephalitis)
Depending on your destination and travel plans, various vaccines can enhance your safety abroad:
Cholera vaccines guard against waterborne pathogens in regions with poor food hygiene and water treatment.
Meningococcal vaccines protect against specific strains of meningitis-causing bacteria prevalent in areas like the Middle East.
Japanese encephalitis vaccines target a virus endemic to East Asia, known to cause damage to the brain and nervous system.
Consult with our pharmacist to explore options for making your travel experience safer and more secure.
Administering Medication by Injection
Numerous medications necessitate injection administration, either under the skin or into muscles. These include long-acting birth control, testosterone, antipsychotics, vitamin B12, and other biologics such as osteoporosis medication. In addition to under the skin injection, our pharmacists are skilled in administering intramuscular injections in various areas such as the shoulder, hip, or buttock. Depending on the medication, this service may be covered by your provincial health insurance. Consult with our pharmacist if you require medication via injections.

How to Get Vaccinated
With your consent, our pharmacist can review your medical records to determine your eligibility or if you're due for any vaccines. If you don't have a prescription for vaccines, our prescribing pharmacist can assess the appropriateness and prescribe the vaccine if deemed beneficial and safe. To bill your private drug plan for the vaccine, we'll need your plan information. For vaccines covered by the province, the injection service is included. However, for vaccines not funded by the province, an additional $20 injection fee in addition to the vaccine cost may apply. Feel free to contact us with any questions or to inquire about vaccines.
Our Services
Discover our community, compounding, repackaging, and prescribing pharmacy services, ensuring your healthcare needs are met with ease.